Sunday, June 27, 2010

Justice League of America Wedding Special #1 (November, 2007)

The bachelor party of Oliver "Green Arrow" Queen was attended by a mass of male heroes, including Damage (who was seen hanging out with Dick "Nightwing" Grayson) and the All-New Atom Ryan Choi, chatting with Adam Strange. Atom-related villains Deathstroke the Terminator, Giganta, Cheshire, and Doctor Light appeared in the story, but our heroes did not progress past the party. Enjoy the cameos, folks!

"Unlimited, Chapter 1: Injustice League" was by Dwayne McDuffie, Mike McKone and Andy Lanning.

You can read this story from different perspectives at the following blogs:


  1. Somehow Adam Strange chatting with Ryan Choi makes me like Ryan a little bit more than before.

    So....they all went to the bachelor party in their costumes? I feel very sorry for the strippers. Playing to a full house of costumed superheroes seems a bit intimidating.

  2. Tsk tsk-- someone didn't follow her links! I do believe the strippers' being dumped at the hotel Hal Jordan had rented in favor of the party taking place at JLA headquarters was covered at the Justice League Detroit blog.

    Ah, phooey! I know you're not a Motor City kinda gal, but you can't blame me for trying...

  3. Oops. Too many windows open as usual.'d I guess Hal Jordan's name would pop up?

    Some day I'll get more on board with the Detroit League. I've got to get through reading some JLE first, though. At least, I think JLE came before JLD...

  4. I was never down with the JLE. It felt like ersatz JLI, or worse, the precursor to Extreme Justice.

    Martian Manhunter returned to Earth in 1984 to join the JLD. I think you could roll with the earlier issues, but the book got seriously grim n' gritty in its second and final year. "Last Days" is still an unheralded classic, though.

  5. it was pre-JLI. I had it mixed up. I'll have to get a hold of some copies somewhere along the line.
