Marcio Takara
- Patrolwoman Diane Meade @ The Idol-Head of Diabolu
- Wonder Woman @ Diana Prince
- The Huntress @ DC Bloodlines
- Zatanna @ Justice League Detroit
"Al Rothenstein finally lived his dream when he was recruited into the JSA, but his mother's death at the hands of Kobra haunted him. When he joined Black Adam and saved his mother from her fate Al lost a part of who he was, and his time in Khandaq with Black Adam allowed him to see his path is not with Black Adam, but with the JSA and was invited back when he helped the JSA defeat Black Adam at the request of his Godfather Al Pratt."I didn't read that JSA crossover, but isn't that basically just a synopsis? How about a line where Rothstein has some sort of reunion with Pratt? September was kind of a "no duh" month for this fanfic, aside from reviving Al, but things get will start to twist in October, and November should be completely nuts.
"The JLA ranks continue with Ray Palmer--the real Atom! One of the fiirst characters outside of the Original Seven. GP really knows how to draw the guy!"Pérez is one of the Tiny Titan's finest artists, even if it is sad to note that his longest run with the character was inking Dan Jurgens on Teen Titans back when he looked like Marty McFly. My favorite parts of this piece are the chiaroscuro phone and quasi-panels that allow the Mighty Mite to really pop.
"Al Pratt was a member of the Justice Society during War War II, and was thought to have perished at the hands of Monarch during the Zero Hour, but what no one knew was that they didn't die, the original mystery men we sent into a Nexus, what some call The Bleed, a place outside of time and space dividing the Multiverse. During the Infinite Crisis the Bleed opened and the JSAers finally escaped and returned to New Earth. Between the Zero Hour, their time in the Bleed and the Infinite Crisis the members were deaged some now in the prime of his life the Mighty Mite is ready to teach the New Generation of heros training them, while joining them occassionaly."Um, okay, but he's still a short guy with a solid build and anger issues. How about another "Atomic Punch" or something? I also really miss the girdle. I like to think of Al getting so pissed off that he overexerts himself and needs the support to prevent hernias and stuff. The good thing about bringing Al back and maybe having Damage around is that they can bring the self-doubt/pity/inferiority issues so that Ray Palmer can be the Silver Age egotist I prefer!
THE FURY OF FIRESTORM: THE NUCLEAR MEN #15Seeing Captain Atom classically drawn by Jurgens really brings home what a stupid Zippy the Pinhead redesign Freddie Williams gave him. What just occurred to me as well was the redundancy of the Captain being a white male in a universe in desperate need of diversity. Linking these two characters is a fun bit of nostalgia, but especially with Ronnie Raymond at the wheel, it seems like nothing much has changed in the quarter century since they began sparring. Natalie Adam and Jason Rusch would have worked far better.
Written by DAN JURGENS
Art and cover by DAN JURGENS and RAY McCARTHY
On sale JANUARY 2 • 32 pg, FC, $2.99 US • RATED T
• Firestorm vs. Captain Atom!
• Two of the most powerful heroes in the universe go head to head, and things are going to EXPLODE!
• Don’t miss this issue’s shocking conclusion as the first hints of a disturbing new force in the DCU are seen!
Art and cover by CHRISTOPHER JONES
On sale DECEMBER 19 • 32 pg, FC, $2.99 US • RATED E
• Batgirl takes on Match—alone!
• Alpha Squad infiltrates Brainiac’s ship as it hovers above Metropolis!
• Superboy and the Justice League battle their captor, Kylstar!
BATMAN BEYOND UNLIMITED #11Truncated back-ups is an Atom-ic sort of place, isn't it?
On sale JANUARY 2 • 48 pg, FC, $3.99 US • RATED T
• The first time in print for these digital-first adventures!
• The Joker King’s assault on Gotham City takes a dark, sinister twist…can Bruce Wayne and Batman thwart his evil plan?
• The origin of Justice League Beyond member Micron is revealed, illustrated by the Eisner-nominated Fiona Staples, artist on the best-selling series Saga.
• The shocking motivations of Superman’s new enemies are revealed — followed by the Beyond Universe debut of one of DC’s most beloved characters!
Written by LEN WEIN, DENNIS O’NEIL, CARY BATES and others Art by DICK DILLIN and others Cover by NICK CARDY On sale JANUARY 23 • 528 pg, B&W, $19.99 US • In this new, value-priced collection of stories from the 1970s, the JLA faces foes including Felix Faust, the Shaggy Man, Eclipso, Amazo, the Injustice Society and more. • Collects JUSTICE LEAGUE OF AMERICA #107-132.
Ryan Choi was a student of Ray Palmer's before he went on his tour of the Multiverse. Ryan found his notes and his belt, and decided the world needed an Atom and took up his mentor's role while he was gone. When Ray returned to New Earth, he found things had changed and that he now was more than just him and his science that he had inspired others, and resumed his role as the Atom, along side of Ryan. Ryan was recruited by Jason Todd to join the Outsiders.Yeah, that was pretty much just a pre-Final Crisis recap. These get better, folks...
My DCU veers off from the DCU on New Earth as of Infinite Crisis...Nothing revolutionary here, as it's basically the Timm Atom design from Justice League coupled with DC Comics continuity as of 2010. Things get weirder and more imaginative as he goes on though, which we'll be looking at for weeks to come...
Ray Palmer faced his own crisis of fate when his ex wife was possessed by the entity known as Eclipso. Having traveled the Multiverse Ray finally found away to bring back the woman he loves. Through out his journey Ray was aided by those he has known as friends and those he has mentored who took his example and followed in his steps. Giving him his own family.
The search for Ray Palmer... stuff.
The Martian march towards death row...
Happy Valentine's Day everyone!
Defenders of Freedom shirt and the usual business
The All New Atom Heroclix
Justice League party loot bags!
Atom switchplate
The Search for Ray Palmer: The T-shirt!
DC Super Heroes Super Healthy Cookbook
Atom transfer
Atom switch plate: Part 2
Al Pratt
DC Direct's JSA Atom action figure
Atom Pocket Super Hero
Ryan Choi
First Appearance - DC Direct: Ryan Choi
Ray Palmer
Justice League Unlimited action figure
Justice League Unlimited Atom 10"
DC Super Heroes from Hasbro
Model and Toy Collector #24
JLA Pocket Heroes: Day 1 - Box set
JLA Pocket heroes: Day 2 - Martian Manhunter with JLA Conference Table and Chairs
Justice League Unlimited Atom 10 inch #2
Chronos Heroclix figurine
Comic book foldees 1966: Atom
Atomo- Super Amigos trading card!
Atomo trading card (a.k.a. The lil Captain)
Another (Power of the) Atom card?
The Atom and Hawkman "Great Teams" trading card (1989)
Skybox card - 1994
DC vs. Marvel impact cards
VS Card: Ray Palmer * The Atom
Hombre Atomico card!
VS Card * Chronos
VS*Chronos - Injustice Gang card
The Atom "Legacy" card
The All New Atom #1
The All New Atom #2
The All New Atom #3
The All New Atom #4
The All New Atom #5
Sword of the All New Atom #13
The All New Atom #14
The All New Atom #15
The All New Atom #16
The All New Atom #17
The All New Atom #18
The All New Atom #19
The All New Atom #20
The Brave and the Bold #9
Brave and Bold #73: Crisis on Earth B-List!
Countdown Special: The Atom #1
Countdown Special: The Atom #2
Green Lantern #24 (2007)
Hembeck Atom
Hembeck Comic Reader #197 Back Cover (1981)
JLA #27
JLA Classified #47
JLA Classified #48
JLA Classified #50
JLA Classified #51: First Contact
JLA Classified #52 - The Truth Hurts
JSA #54:Thanksgiving
Justice League of America #110- DC 100 SUPER SPECTACULAR PAGES: The Man Who Murdered Santa Claus!
Sword of the Atom - Book One: Stormy Passage
Sword of the Atom - Book Two: A Choice of Dooms
Sword of the Atom - Book 3: Mourning's End
Sword of the Atom - Book 4: Look Homeward, Atom
JLU Atom sketch double header!
Norm Breyfogle sketch
Model and Toy Collector #24
Fred Hembeck sketch
Michael Netzer Atom and The Martian Manhunter sketch
Michael Netzer Atom and The Martian Manhunter sketch #2: We will not go quietly into the night...
Atom vs. Ant-man: #1 - Gary Gretsky
Atom vs. Ant-man: #2 - Gary Gretsky
The Atom: Who's Who Entry
The Atom (Golden Age): Who's Who entry
Sword of the Atom: Action Pin-up No.1!
Sword of the Atom: Action pin-up Part 2!
DC Comics Super Heroes coloring book: Atom page
DC Comics Super Heroes Coloring Book: Atom page #2
Bug-Eyed Bandit Who's Who entry
The Superman/Aquaman Hour of Adventure animation cel
Justice League tv pilot 1997
Justice League tv pilot continued...
The Superman/Aquaman Hour of Adventure production drawing
Comic Cavalcade ad
Debut of The Atom ad!
Debut of the Atom ad Part 2
Meet Chronos: Atom #2 ad
The Atom #10 ad
Aquaman and the Atom: The Brave and the Bold ad
The Atom team-up ad
The Atom subscription offer!
DC favorites subscription ad
Mystery in Space and The Atom ad
DC on TV Ad!
Comic Books price guide ad - 1983
Sword of the Atom insert (1984)
Power of the Atom ad poster
JLA vs. Teen Titans ad poster
Animal Man
Animal Man #1 ad!
Super Amigos: Hawkman!
Hawkman transfer
Hawkman Brave and Bold ad
Hombre Halcon bottle cap - 1978
El Halcon - the Super Amigos card!
Hembeck Hawk-heroes
Hembeck Hawkman #2
Hawkman patch
DC Official Licensee display
Hembeck Hawkman #3
Hawkman Super Powers stamp set
Mister Miracle
Super Powers: Mister Miracle
The Red Tornado
The Red Tornado Shrine: Minimates!
Red Tornado Shrine: Custom Red Tornado Lego!