Jeff Lemire posted this photo on his blog after last year's San Diego Comic Con of Justice Society of America members Dr. Mid-Nite, Hourman, Jay "The Flash" Garrick and an accurately ripped Al Pratt. Aside from probably being a mite tall, "Pratt" is excellent, no?
Dragon*Con 2011 CosPlay
- The Aqua-Family @ The Aquaman Shrine
- Booster Gold and Blue Beetle @ Comics Make Me Happy!
- Firestorm @ Firestorm Fan
- The Flash @ Speed Force
- Hawkman and Hawkgirl @ Being Carter Hall
- Killer Frost @ Firestorm Fan
- Martian Manhunter @ The Idol-Head of Diabolu
- The Vixen @ Justice League Detroit
- Wonder Girl Donna Troy @ The New Wonder Woman
- Wonder Woman & Superman @ Diana Prince
- Once Upon A Geek DC2011 gallery
Al Pratt looks friggin' sweet!
I've always thought if I became a cosplayer, I'd go as Doctor Mid-nite. However, I could never pull together a professional enough looking costume to go for it.
The Irredeemable Shag
Mid-Nite is a good way to go. I hate taking off my glasses, and just say no to contacts, so I really would need goggles mixed into my super-hero cosplay. Sadly, there are few such heroes I like who rock that look, but Mid-Nite's a decent option for my handicap.
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