I've been blogging for eleven (non-continuous, obviously) years, and I decided to do a simple crossover to remind everybody that these pages are alive (if only of a sort, to varying degrees, least of all here at POTA.) It's a nice one to discuss too, because this is little seen promo art from possibly my favorite Ray Palmer comic. I believe this Steve Dillon piece was colored for one of those DC Universe advertorials that ran in comics of the period, but it was (appropriately?) reproduced at about the size of a postage stamp, so the presentation here is easier on the eyes.
DC Comics 1993 Editorial Presentation
- Overview @ DC Bloodlines
- Justice League Task Force @ The Idol-Head of Diabolu
- Justice League America @ Diana Prince is the New Wonder Woman
- Justice League International @ Justice League Detroit
- The Killing Machine @ ...nurgh...